Liebster Award Take 2

Liebster Award

I am so happy to say that this is the second time that I have been nominated for this award.  Thank you Victoria of ‘The Diary of a Beauty Addict’ for this nomination.  You can find her amazing blog here.  Check out her fantastic reviews of subscription boxes and lots more, give her some love!

Her Instagram can be found here.

I’m going to take this time to thank alittlebitofsassy for nominating me previously!  Check out her excellent blog here and give her a much deserved follow.

The Liebster award was created by a very clever person to give recognition and awareness to bloggers and to help others find new blogs to investigate.  I am very grateful for being nominated.

In return for this nomination there are a few rules:

  1. Firstly, thank the lovely blogger that nominated you and link their social media 😉
  2. Display the award on your blog by including it in a post or via a widget
  3. Write a little bit about your favourite blog that is not your own and provide links!
  4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself
  5. List these rules
  6. Nominate between 5 and ten relatively new blogs who you think deserve the recognition award
  7. Let the bloggers know you have nominated them
  8. Answer the questions given by the person who nominated you
  9. Give them a few questions to answer of your own – this is where you can get inventive!

Now for me to answer some questions….

Why do you love blogging?

I love being able to express my opinion and I hope that my reviews help others decide on products.  I really enjoy documenting my findings.

When you were little – what did you want to be when you grew up?

It changed often!  I wanted to be a nurse for a while but as I faint at the sight of blood it really wasn’t for me.

Summer or winter?

Winter I love getting wrapped up in wooly jumpers in front of the fire.  Although the sunny weather this week is pretty nice.  

What is your guilty pleasure?

Sweets!  I love sweets.

If you could have one super power – what would it be?

Definitely reading minds, it could be very interesting.  

What’s your favourite film?

Hercules the Disney film

If you could change one thing about your life – what would you change?

This is a very difficult question but to not be overly personal I will choose a more general change…I love my dog so much, he is a bichon frise mixed with a Shih Tzu (called a Shichon).  He gets so excited to see me and is such a loving little dog.  I would love another, just like him but he might get jealous!

Where in the world would you most like to visit?

So many places, I haven’t travelled as much as I would like to but I would like to visit Canada.

Heals or flats?

Heals – they make me feel fabulous

What song is stuck in your head right now?

Kevin Simms – Chandelier.  This was Kevin’s audition on the voice and every time I hear it, it makes me shiver.  If you haven’t heard it you can listen on youtube here.

What are you most proud of in life?

My amazing family

Okay, now for my nominations…as I have recently completed the Liebster Award I have only selected three new blogs that have recently come to my attention and are definitely worth following: Ana is all about good quality ‘drugstore’ products A great read for Hacks and DIY products…great tips! Lucy is quite new to the blogging scene but her posts are really first class!

Some of you may have already been nominated for this award, so if you have I will leave it up to you if you complete it again!

The questions I want you ladies to answer are:

  1. What do you hope for your blog of the coming months?
  2. What are your spring / summer plans?
  3. What has been the hardest part of blogging for you?
  4. Favourite fashion accessory?
  5. Current favourite lip product?

Finally, I just wanted to say thank you once again to Victoria for nominating me.  I hope those who I have nominated enjoy completing this as much as I have.

Thank you for reading this – please leave a comment and get involved answering a few of the questions!


Being Graceful xx




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